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Reported Issue: Unable to Download Remixes

We recently received a few reports of customers not being able to download their purchased remixes.

Affected timeframe: July 14, 2021 to July 17, 2021

When you clicked to download the remix, it would redirect you to a page displaying: “File not Found, go to Shop”.

We were able to duplicate and confirm the issue.

At this time: July 17, 2021 7PM PST, the issue has been fixed.

However, any customers that need their Download Limits reset or still experiencing problems with downloading over the past 72 hours / 3 days, please contact us immediately > for assistance.

Best regards, Support Team

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[Resolved] “1 Click Buy” not working (for Club Credit users)

The “1 Click Buy” feature is currently not working.  We are working with our developers to correct the problem.  Therefore, we have temporarily disabled the feature.

However, you can still use your Club Credits as normal.  Follow these steps:

  1. Find a remix that you want to purchase and “Add to Cart”.
  2. Continue shopping, adding more remixes to your Cart.
  3. Next , go to your “Cart or View Cart”.
  4. Confirm the remixes that you want to purchase.
  5. Click “Proceed to Checkout”.
  6. Scroll down to payment options and select “Club Credits”.
  7. To confirm you have selected Club Credits, your Subtotal and Total will show the number Credits to used for your purchase.
  8. Check the box you have read the Terms of Service.
  9. Then click “Place Order”.
  10. You’re all set.  You will be redirected to your Order page where you can start downloading your remixes.
  11. In addition, you will receive an email of your order.

Once we have fixed the “1 Click Buy” option, we will re-add it to the website.

Best regards,

EnjoyTheBEATZ Support Team